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Roser Torres
Born in Barcelona,
Higher Diploma In Visual Arts And Design For Illustration. Escola d’Art i Disseny Serra i Abella. Barcelona
Graduate In Fine Arts. University Of Barcelona
Two years in the dissection room of l'Hospital de Bellvitge of Barcelona drawing human anatomy. Thanks to former Anatomy Professor Victor Gotzens.
Art Exhibitions
2013 "Les Ateliers de Solalex".Gryon.Switzerland
2014 Alumni UB. Group Exhibition "Zoo"
2015 Sala "Ina Creativa".Barcelona.
Publications as an Illustrator
Atlas of Minimally Invasive Facelift
Facial Rejuvenation with Volumetric Lipofilling. Dr. Serra Renom .Ed Springer.
Cirugia Estética Genital Masculina y Femenina
y Tratamientos Médico Estéticos. Dr.Ramón Vila-Rovira

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